13th March 2020
Essington Farm is open as normal, and we are fully stocked with our usual range of meat, fruit, veg, produce and local food. We have no shortages! Why not avoid the current crowds at the supermarket and shop with us for your groceries?
Given recent Government advice, as a precaution we are sanitising baskets, shopping trolleys, and all frequently touched surfaces in the shop and restaurant to help keep our customers and staff safe and healthy.
Friday 17th of April 2020…it was our first visit since the Farm has changed due to the CORONAVIRUS ….l was pleased with the layout for Fresh Vegetable Products. .but !…did not like how the Roll Plastic Bags ..had to be handled by ALL Customers …( being hard surface non porous ,the virus could rest on the surface, then pass from one customer to another )….it would be better brown bags on a string to just pull !!!………..
l was a bit worried also as people were not always keeping apart in the Delicatessen /Butcher ….and when it came to packing ,the assistant placed my own shopping bags on top of your carrier bags as he packed my produce …..Thank You for FRESH PRODUCTS /MEAT ..they are very HIGH STANDARD
Can I make a general enquiry regarding?
I see from your website that your food and vegetable department is still open.
Is your normal range of bedding plants still available to buy at the moment?
Do you offer a delivery service?
Or, do you have a collection service and the ability to use contact free payment?
Can I place an order on the telephone or do you offer an online service?
How are you handling COVID 19 safe distancing if I have to pay for plants inside your farm shop?
Thank you for your assistance?
Mrs P Ross
Hello Mrs Ross, thank you for your message.
We do have a selection of bedding plants available – these are at the entrance of the shop.
We’re offering local delivery to those who are elderly and vulnerable. Please email your address to info@essingtonfarm.co.uk and we can check if we deliver to your postcode. Payment is made over the phone so it’s completely contactless. If we can deliver to you, orders are made via email.
Inside the shop, we have moved the fruit and veg into our restaurant (as our restaurant is temporarily closed) to give customers enough space to shop. We are limiting the numbers of customers allowed into the shop at one time. We also have taped markers to show where to stand to safely social distance when at the butchery, deli counter, and till points.
Hope this helps.
Many thanks,