Green Grapes (large pack, 750g)
x1 large bag (minimum 750g)
Product Details
The green grape is a sweet fruit that grows in bunches. The fruit is a popular snack because of its sweet flavour.
Easy Grape Jam Recipe
Easy Grape Jam Recipe
Easy Grape Jam is the easiest grape jam recipe you’ll find – no peeling grapes here and no added pectin! With a taste that’s out of this world, this really is a jam recipe you have to try!
1.7 kg / 3 lb 12 oz seedless grapes
1 kg / 2 lb 3 oz granulated sugar
3 tbsp lemon juice
Place grapes, sugar and lemon juice into a preserving pan or similar.
Using a gentle heat dissolve the sugar slowly, stirring frequently.
As the mixture heats up break up some of the grapes with your wooden spoon or use a potato masher in order the release the grapes’ juices.
Once all the sugar has dissolved fully (around 20 minutes) take the mixture off the heat and use a stick blender to blend the grapes to a juice like consistency.
Put pan back on the heat, bring to a rolling boil and then time for 25 minutes, stirring continuously. (You could start with 23 minutes as depending on freshness and variety of grapes the setting time can vary a little).
Take the pan off the heat and test for set by placing a few drops of the jam on a chilled saucer and place in fridge for a minute.
The jam should form a crinkle when you push your finger through it.
If not then boil for another 2 minutes and re-test until set is achieved.
Pot up in hot jars and place lids on immediately.
Store in a cool dry place and once opened keep in fridge.
Recipe originally featured on